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TK Gesundheitsserie mental health „Healthy sleep - this is how it works“ (2) (english)

Virtual event

10/11/2023 - 10/11/2023


Sleep – A Miracle Cure? Restful sleep is essential for mental and physical regeneration and health. However, due to stress and time pressure, our sleep is not always as restful as we would like. How much sleep is actually healthy and what should you pay attention to in order to get enough sleep?

This is how it works! In our online lecture you will learn why we sleep a third of our lives and how you can optimize your own sleep quality. Get valuable tips and tricks on how to create effective and restful sleep rituals that lower stress levels, refill your energ y and help you realize your potential.

You will find more information about the webinar link in the booking confirmation of your registration.

Booking overview Registration period 9/14/2023 - 10/11/2023

Monday 09.10.
No appointments
Tuesday 10.10.
No appointments
Wednesday 11.10.
14:00 - 14:30
Thursday 12.10.
No appointments
Friday 13.10.
No appointments
Saturday 14.10.
No appointments
Sunday 15.10.
No appointments